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Modern Slavery statement for the financial year 1 January to 31 December 2023
This statement is made pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the approach of BHSF Group Limited (and its subsidiaries) to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its business, and to put in place steps aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery, human trafficking or forced labour in its own business and its supply chains. This statement relates to actions and activities implemented during the financial year 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023.
Modern slavery encompasses slavery, human trafficking and forced labour.BHSF Group Limited (and its subsidiaries) recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking and is absolutely committed to preventing slavery, human trafficking and forced labour in its corporate activities.
Organisational structure and supply chain
BHSF Group Limited and its subsidiary companies (BHSF Limited, BHSF Management Services Limited, BHSF Employee Benefits Limited, BHSF Corporate Healthcare (Holdings) Limited, BHSF Occupational Health Limited, BHSF Medical Practice Limited and Nexus Healthcare Limited) provides medical expense insurances, other insurances, a range of employee benefits services and occupational health services to more than 5,000 client businesses and more than 230,000 policyholders and their families.
Countries of operation and supply
BHSF currently operates in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, and all products and services are sourced within these geographical areas from UK suppliers. Certain products may however be manufactured outside of the UK.
The majority of the Group’s supply chain is regulated/governed by professional bodies and is part of a sector and geographical location where slavery, human trafficking and forced labour is considered low risk.
High-risk activities
There are no activities within the business operations taking place that are considered to be at high risk of slavery, human trafficking and forced labour.
Responsibility for the Group's anti-slavery initiatives is as follows:
Policies and controls
BHSF operates the following internal policies within its staff handbook that ensures it conducts business in an ethical and transparent manner.
We have continued to use the Vero vetting and screening service that was introduced during 2018.This further enhances our rigorous identity checking processes in addition to our right to work checks which are made for each new starter in every area of our business. We also verify completed payroll forms to confirm that the bank account details provided match the employee's name.
In 2022, we transitioned the recruitment process to a new recruitment portal called Hireful. When an individual applies for a role through the portal, they encounter essential employment inquiries, including questions about their right to work in the UK and the number of years of experience. Notably, we have incorporated a new question inquiring whether the individual is applying for the role voluntarily and acknowledges their agreement to receive the complete remuneration package offered. The aim is to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking.
Due diligence and risk assessment
BHSF’s own business is the provision of medical expense insurances, other insurances, a range of employee benefits services and occupational health services which is regarded as a low-risk sector.All employees are engaged on written terms which comply with UK law, have a right to terminate their contract of employment and are paid at least the National Minimum Wage as well as receiving other fixed and flexible benefits. BHSF is also subject to a high degree of sector-specific regulatory and other independent oversight. BHSF is satisfied that the risk of slavery, human trafficking or forced labour occurring in its own business is low. In addition, our Outsourcing and Supplier Management policy mandates due diligence on ethical standards prior to provisional appointment of suppliers.
Assessment of effectiveness
During the financial year to December 2023 there have been no reports of any slavery, human trafficking and/or forced labour taking place within our business. This has been certified by:
Future Steps
Throughout the 2024 financial year BHSF is continuing to assess the risk of slavery, human trafficking and forced labour in its own businesses and will extend its risk assessment processes further into its supply chain.
Board approval
This statement has been approved by the board of directors of BHSF Group Limited who will review and update it annually.